Thursday, April 12

why bother?

Why bother?
You meet in unexpected circumstances or even a perfect meeting,
You 'click', talk for hours, go for dates, spend alot of time 'sitting'.
You get comfortable, share more, relate stories, BOND.
You count the days and months, then you give in to 'that' which happens in a split second.
You allow it, enjoy it, feel it, long for it, invent it..
You wake up one morning and 'life' happens so fast before you can absorb it.
They come gradually, withdrawal, lies, betrayals, silence.
You wonder how and where it went awry?
Shut out, retrocede into shell, emotional detachment.
You ask me, why so uptight? why the walls?
Why so edgy, why a loner, why so insensitive?
Going through this several times would either build or break you.
Don't get me wrong, i believe in love, relationships, happy-ever-afters,
I encourage you to take risks, fall in love, LIVE!
But for me, aloofness towards emotional entanglements works, don't want to keep asking myself

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